Buy The Book

Amelia And the Magic Glasses. Pirates in the sky by Giampiero Ambrosi

All profits from this book are donated to New Eyes for the Needy, an 85 year old organization that purchases new prescription eyeglasses through a voucher program for children and adults in the United States who cannot afford their own. New Eyes also accepts, recycles, and distributes, donated glasses for poor people overseas.

High Quality Hard Cover $26.19

A beautiful high quality paper book from the folks at Blurb

Paper Back $9.95

A colorful, beautifully illustrated paperback available on and shipped by Amazon.

Schools and Non-Profits

We will gladly send a free copy of the book to schools or non-profits that benefit children. Contact us.

Coming Fall 2019 – Amelia and the Sneaky Monkeys

More adventures as Amelia uncovers a plot by sneaky monkeys….